street art #8

2. Hastings between Dressew and Opus

Small parking lot between Dressew and Opus.

Regularly covered with grafitti and then painted over with the red paint.

CANT STOP ART made me smile. Walked by today and

this is already covered.

But on the same wall at a higher elevation……


3. Same wall higher elevation


4. The crying room

New image at the crying room and across the street…


5. Across from the crying room

…..a building has been demolished and this mural is

revealed in full splendor


6. Keefer and Taylor

Keefer and Taylor


7. In the doorway of Atira

In the doorway of Atira at Abbott and Pender


8. Where Pacific meets Quebec

Red rum again! where Pacific meets Quebec…..

I say again as in my archives I have other examples

of red rum……..archives soon to be posted……